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非精英篮球运动员Yo Yo间歇耐力跑和运球Yo Yo跑与最大摄氧量的关系
(澳门大学 教育学院)
探讨了非精英男子篮球运动员YoYo间歇耐力跑测试成绩、运球YoYo间歇耐力跑测试成绩的再测信度,以及与最大摄氧量的关系。受试者为31名年龄13—18岁的非精英篮球运动员。结果显示YoYo跑测试速度、运球YoYo跑测试速度的再测信度和典型误分别为ICC = 076(p=0012),TE=031,ICC =090(p=0000 1),TE=023。最大摄氧量与YoYo跑测试速度、运球YoYo跑测试速度相关度分别为r=054 (p=001),r=060(p=0002)。运球YoYo跑速度与YoYo跑速度相关度为r=072(p=0000 1),第二次运球YoYo跑和YoYo跑测试成绩的一致性界限范围是(-250,-093)。结果说明YoYo跑测试成绩、运球YoYo跑测试成绩1周内进行重测,具有较高的再现性,且YoYo跑测试成绩和运球YoYo跑测试成绩与最大摄氧量都具有中度相关,YoYo跑测试成绩与运球YoYo跑测试成绩高度显著相关
关键词:  最大摄氧量  Yo Yo跑测试成绩  运球Yo Yo跑测试成绩  速度  篮球
Correlations among Yo Yo Intermittent Endurance Test Performance, Yo Yo Dribbling Test Performance and Maximal Oxygen Uptake of Non elite Basketball Players
QI Fengxue
(Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau, China)
This paper studies the retest reliability of the performance of YoYo intermittent endurance running test (VYOYO)of nonelite men’s basketball player, and YoYo intermittent endurance dribbling test(dVYOYO,) as well as their relationship with maximal oxygen uptake. Thirtyone male basketball players, aged 13 to 18, were invited to participate in this study. The results show that testretest reliability and typical error of VYOYO and dVYOYO were ICC = 0.76 (p= 0012), TE=031 and ICC=090 (p=0000 1), TE=023 respectively. Correlations of VO2max with VYOYO and dVYOYO were r=054, (p=0001) and r=060, p=0002) respectively. dVYOYO had high correlations with VYOYO (r=072, p=0000 1) and the consistency range boundaries between second dribbling dVYOYO and VYOYO are (-250, -093). The results illustrate the results of one week afterwards test of YoYo running test and YoYo dribbling test has high reproducibility, and both of VYOYO and dVYOYO has a moderate correlation with VO2max, and test scores of VYOYO and dVYOYO have highly significant correlation
Key words:  VO2max  Yo Yo test performance  Yo Yo dribbling test performance  speed  basketball

