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2014-2015年NBA季后赛控球与比赛 胜负相关性研究
(曲阜师范大学 体育科学学院)
关键词:  NBA季后赛  控球  得分  二分球  三分球  篮下得分  相关性
Research on Correlation between Possession and Competition Result in 2014 2015 NBA Playoffs
SUN Changjun
(School of Sport Sciences, Qufu Normal University)
This article applies methods of literature, mathematical statistics and logical analysis to analyze the correlation between ball possession, score, each scoring rate in 20142015 NBA playoffs. The findings show that in the NBA playoffs, the main influential factors are score in home and away matches, ball possession, twopoint scoring rate, while there is a very significant positive correlation between ball possession of home matches and scores, and between ball possession of away matches and scores; for home teams and away teams in the Eastern Federation, there is a significant positive correlation between ball possession and twopoint scoring rate in home matches; for home teams and away teams in the Western Federation, there is a very significant positive correlation between ball possession and scores in home matches, and a significant positive correlation between ball possession and scores in away matches. This article aims to provide a reference for basketball training and competition.
Key words:  NBA playoffs  ball possession  score  two point shot  three point shot  under basket score  correlation

