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农村学校体育的贫困: 内涵、表现、成因及精准扶持策略
(黄河科技学院 体育学院)
关键词:  农村学校体育  可行能力贫困  教育资源配置  课程标准  城市化倾向  离农  教育主体性  精准扶持
基金项目:国家社会科学基金“十三五”规划 2016 年度教育学一般课题(BLA160067); 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目阶段性成果(2017BTY010); 河南省教育科学“十三五”规划2017年度一般课题(〔2017〕-JKGHYB-0235)
Poverty in Rural School Sports: Connotation, Expression, Causes and Precise Support Strategies
Ma Jun
(School of Physical Education,Huanghe Science and Technology College)
Based on the analysis of relevant concepts, the issue of rural sports poverty is studied in this article. It is revealed that the poverty of rural schools includes two dimensions, namely the resource poverty and ability poverty, and the feasibility poverty is the real reason for the limited development of rural school sports. The lack of disposable resources led by allocation disparity of educational resources, poor development ability of PE curriculum led by the urbanization tendency of curriculum standard, poor reforming ability of PE led by the teaching content separated from agricultural elements, violation of the rights of being educated led by the deprived education subjectivity, are the reasons for feasibility poverty in the rural school sports, and also its form of expression. On this basis, the corresponding precise support strategies are put forward to solve the development dilemma of rural school sports, and promote its healthy development.
Key words:  rural school sports  feasibility poverty  educational resource allocation  curriculum standards  urbanization tendency  separation from agricultural elements  educational subjectivity  precise support

