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关键词:  北京  小学  校园足球  竞赛体系  班级联赛  区级联赛  市级联赛
Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Development of Competition System of Campus Football in Beijing Primary Schools
GAO Yuan
(Capital University of Physical Education and Sports)
This paper analyzes the development of competition system of campus football in Beijing primary schools by literature and interview survey. It reviews the development history of campus football competition in Beijing primary schools, and analyzes its organizational operation system. It is pointed out that after years of development and construction, the scale of competition of campus football in Beijing primary schools continues to grow, competition management is becoming more complete, and related cultural activities are more abundant. At the same time, there are still such problems as too concentrated competitioncycle arrangements, uneven level of competition development, lower level of construction of women’s football team compared with men’s football team, the huge gap between the county team and the urban team, and unsatisfactory resources of the campus football field. To this end, management departments should strengthen communication to scientifically arrange the competitioncycle, improve the management mechanism to create a fair and equitable competition environment, strengthen the construction of women’s teams and establish and improve supporting measures, coordinate and integrate existing venue resources. This study is designed to provide reference for the development of campus football.
Key words:  Beijing  primary school  campus football  competition system  class league  district league  city league

