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优秀双向飞碟运动员3号 靶位击发节奏与脱靶关系研究
(北京体育大学 中国田径运动学院,北京100084)
关键词:  双向飞碟  射击  击发节奏  脱靶关系  3号靶位  随靶  人枪结合
基金项目:国家体育总局奥运攻关服务项目(HT2018 3)
A Study on the Relation Between Shooting Rhythm and Miss Target of Excellent Skeet Shooter in Position3
GENG Zhengyang
(China Athletics College,Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China)
Target number3 is the most difficult one among the eight ones in skeet shooting, which is the key to restrict the overall hit rate of athletes.The double targets of skeet shooting is divided into three stages of the first target, following target and the second target, and the characteristics of shooting rhythm of three domestic excellent athletes are analyzed in this paper . Firstly, the rhythm of the first target shooting stage directly affects the target situation of the second target. The longer the first target shooting time is, the worse the quality of the second target is. In order to improve the hit rate of the second target, the action quality of the first target must be improved. Secondly, the combination ability of man and gun will affect the hit rate of the two targets.Thirdly, the time rhythm of the two target shooting stage of excellent athletes is consistent, and the action automation is high.The slow pace of the whole shooting is more likely to cause the miss of the two targets. It is suggested that the athletes should improve their ability to hit the first target and strengthen the training of fast hitting technology on the premise of ensuring the quality of the first target.They should also improve the ability of combining man and gun in the following target stage, strengthen the monitoring and analysis of technology, and assist in sports training to improve their performance scientifically.
Key words:  skeet  shooting  firing rhythm  miss relation  position of target number 3  following target  combination of man and gun

