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(运城学院 体育系,山西 运城 044000)
当今社会,对象化的技术因能提高生产效率、使人的欲望得到虚拟满足等而备受重视,但因导致人的异化而受到技术哲学的指责。人的生命兼顾精神性与肉身性,武术是“身体-技术-艺术”技道合一的身体技术,能以“联觉”拓展“外在”,体悟万物一体的生命存在, “体-身-神”形神合一而与道贯通。技术至上背景下,武术一定程度被抽离了“体”之当下全息感知觉与“身”之共情整全性的生命体验与精神意义,异化为符号化的操化技术。新时代,武术应借助触觉复归身体感作为身体技术的使命与选择,拓展以人为目的的多维感知空间,具身体证“始于情、终于情”的生命情感,在切身感的身体直觉和世界互渗的精神自由中贯通生命之道,践行武术“锻炼行道、练以成人”的生命理想与精神追求。
关键词:  武术  技术  身体  感知觉  生命  存在
The Restoration of Body Sensation: The Era’s Mission and Choice of Chinese Wushu Body Technique
DUAN Limei,YANG Guozhen
(Department of Physical Education, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng 044000 , China)
In today’s society, objectified technique has attracted much attention because it can improveproduction efficiency and make people’s desires virtually satisfied, but it has been criticized byphilosophy of technique because it leads to human alienation. Human life includes both spiritualityand physicality. Wushu is a body technique that integrates “body-technique-art”, skills and regularity.It can expand “external” with “synaesthesia”, feel the life existence of the integration of allthings, and connect the integration of “feeling-body-spirit” form and spirit with regularity. Under thebackground of technique supremacy, Wushu has been pulled away from the life experience and spiritualsignificance of the current holographic perception of “feeling” and the empathy of “body” to a certainextent, and alienated into symbolic operation technique. In the new era, Wushu should use thesense of touch to return to the body as the mission and choice of body technique, expand the multi-dimensionalperception space with human purpose, have the life emotion of body certificate “startingfrom emotion and ending in emotion”, connect the way of life in the body intuition of personal feelingand the spiritual freedom of world mutual infiltration, and practice the life ideal and spiritual pursuitof Wushu “exercising to maintain regularity and practicing for self-perfection”.
Key words:  Wushu  technique  body  sensory perception  life  being

