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    Objectives: This paper observed the effect of patellofemoral pain (PFP) on the mechanical characteristics of patellofemoral joint in the older adults during stair walking, and provided theoretical support for the formulation of reasonable intervention strategies for the elderly with PFP. Methods: Twenty-two healthy older adults and 22 PFP older adults were randomly recruited. The Qualisys Motion Capture System and AMTI OR6 Series were used to simultaneously collect the kinematics and dynamics data of the two groups of subjects during stair walking. The patellofemoral joint contact force and impulse, patellofemoral joint stress and impulse were used to quantitatively evaluate the patellofemoral joint mechanical characteristics of the elderly during stair walking. Results: Compared with the healthy group, the PFP group showed smaller patellofemoral joint contact force impulse (P=0.030), patellofemoral joint stress (P=0.024) and impulse (P=0.004) when going up the stairs, and showed larger knee flexion angle peak (P=0.022) and smaller patellofemoral joint stress impulse (P=0.067) when going down the stairs. There was no significant difference in other indicators (P>0.05). Conclusions: The PFP older adults showed less mechanical characteristics of the patellofemoral joint during stair walking, especially during stair climbing, which may be a self-protection strategy actively adopted by the PFP elderly to provide sufficient lower limb support and reduce the load of the patellofemoral joint. Suggestions: The PFP older adults pay attention to the exercise of lower limb muscles, especially the quadriceps femoris. At the same time, more sensitive patellofemoral joint contact force impulse and stress impulse are used to evaluate the patellofemoral joint load during stair walking.

  • 我国已进入老龄化社会。关节疼痛等退行性疾病是导致老年人跌倒、认知功能受损、姿势控制能力下降的主要原因之一,给老年人的健康带来不利影响[1-2]。其中,髌股关节疼痛(patellofemoral pain,PFP)是以髌股关节压力增加为特征的前膝关节疼痛,是一种过度使用的肌肉骨骼疾病。流行病学调查显示,PFP 占所有膝关节损伤的 33%,其发病率随年龄增加呈线性增长[3]

  • PFP导致老年人在运动期间的下肢生物力学特征发生变化。髌骨与股骨之间的接触力称为髌股关节接触力,单位面积的髌股关节接触力称为髌股关节应力[4]。研究表明,PFP 老年人采取降低步行速度的步态策略,表现出较小的垂直地面反作用力和伸膝关节力矩[5],这种谨慎的步态策略或许可以补偿因增龄导致的身体功能下降。与水平行走相比,楼梯行走时的膝关节弯曲角度与伸膝力矩增加了50% [6],因此更具挑战性。研究显示,楼梯行走时的髌股关节应力比水平行走增加了2~4倍,这可能是膝关节力矩和髌股关节接触力增加所致[7]。 “组织稳态理论” 认为,任何超过髌股关节负荷承受能力的组织稳态改变,都会导致疼痛及损伤[8]。虽然髌股关节接触力与髌股关节应力能有效反映髌股关节负荷[9],但楼梯行走等高风险环境或许会将组间髌股关节负荷的差异性掩盖,因此可能需要更灵敏的指标来观察楼梯行走等高风险环境下 PFP 对老年人髌股关节力学特征的影响。髌股关节力与应力的冲量为相对应的力与时间的积分[10],髌股关节接触力与应力结合相对应的冲量可更精准定位 PFP 对髌股关节负荷的影响。冲量已在走[11]、跑[12]等运动中被应用,但髌股关节接触力冲量及应力冲量应用于楼梯行走较为少见。

  • 本研究通过观察健康老年人和 PFP 老年人楼梯行走时的髌股关节力学指标,探讨 PFP 对老年人楼梯行走的髌股关节力学特征的影响,为 PFP老年人制定合理的干预治疗策略提供理论支撑。本研究假设,与健康老年人相比,PFP 老年人在楼梯行走时:①髌股关节接触力增加; ②髌股关节应力增加; ③髌股关节接触力冲量及髌股关节应力冲量增加。

  • 1 研究对象和方法

  • 1.1 研究对象

  • 采用 G*power计算样本量,根据前人的文献[13],将α 设定为 0.05、Power设定为 0.8,计算出所需样本量为18人。随机招募 PFP老年人22名,并根据基本信息匹配招募健康老年人 22名,分别纳入 PFP组和健康组,受试者基本信息见表1。PFP 组纳入标准: ① 年龄 65~75岁; ②单膝髌股关节疼痛患者,疼痛6个月以上; ③ 能够独立完成楼梯行走。排除标准: ①有髌骨脱位或半脱位史; ②有膝关节骨折或手术史; ③近半年有跌倒损伤史或服用姿势控制类药物。受试者均了解测试风险并签署知情同意书。

  • 表1 受试者基本信息

  • 1.2 测试流程

  • 受试者来到实验室后,先进行基本信息采集。然后身着统一的测试服及测试鞋,由专业的工作人员将39个标记点粘贴于受试者的骨性标志点上。受试者进行5min热身后,开始正式测试。采用 Qualisys红外动作捕捉系统(Qualisys Motion Capture System,瑞士)及 AMTI三维测力台(AMTI OR6 Series,美国)分别采集运动学数据和动力学数据,采集频率分别设为200 Hz和1000Hz。楼梯由5阶台阶组成,台阶宽为120cm,深为27cm,高为15cm,将测力台置于第3台阶的凹槽内与台阶持平。受试者以自适应步速分别进行上、下楼梯行走,每名受试者保证5次有效测试。将有效测试记为全程无停顿、无标记点掉落,并保证优势腿(健康组)或患侧腿(PFP组)成功踏上测力台。

  • 1.3 数据处理

  • 原始运动学与动力学数据采用 Qualisys软件预处理后,导出 Visual 3D 进行滤波、百分化、步态周期截取等操作。运动学数据以时间标准化,动力学数据以体重标准化。采用四阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器对数据进行低通滤波,截止频率分别为6Hz和50Hz [14]。将一个支撑相定义为患侧腿踏上测力台到离开测力台,其中包含第1 双支撑相(患侧腿踏上测力台开始到健侧腿离开台阶结束)、单支撑相(健侧腿离开台阶开始到健侧腿再次踏上台阶结束)及第2双支撑相(健侧腿踏上台阶开始到患侧腿离开测力台结束)。

  • 1.4 观察指标

  • 将膝关节角度定义为远端环节的延长线与近端环节的夹角,膝关节力矩为采用逆向动力学方法计算的膝关节周围肌肉产生的净力矩[15]。髌股关节接触力与应力的冲量则为相应的力与时间的积分[10]。根据 Eijden和 Power的模型[16-17]计算得到受试者楼梯行走时的髌股关节力学特征。具体计算过程如下:

  • LA=0.00000008×x3-(0.0000129×x2+(0.00028×x)+0.046
  • QF(x)=MEXTLA(x)
  • 股四头肌肌力(QF)为膝关节伸膝力矩(MEXT)与股四头肌有效肌力臂(LA)的比值,LA 为矢状面膝关节角度(x)的函数。

  • K(x)=-0.0000384×x2+(0.00147×x)+0.462-0.000000698×x3+0.000155×x2+(-0.0162×x)+1
  • PFJF(x)=K(x)×QF(x)
  • 髌股关节接触力(PFJF)为以x 为自变量的函数KQF 的乘积。

  • PFCA (x)=-0.0001×x3-0.0082×x2+(3.5071×x)+73.81
  • 髌股关节接触面积(PFCA)为x 的函数。

  • PFJS(x)=PFJF(x)PFCA(x)
  • 髌股关节应力(PFJS)为PFJFPFCA 的比值。

  • 1.5 统计分析

  • 使用SPSS20.0对数据进行统计学处理。采用 Shapiro-Wilk 检验数据的正态分布,采用独立样本t检验比较两组的髌股关节力学指标。显著性水平设置为α=0.05。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 健康组与 PFP组上楼梯时髌股关节力学特征比较

  • 由表2 可知,与健康组相比,PFP 组在上楼梯时表现出较小的髌股关节接触力冲量(P= 0.030)、髌股关节应力峰值(P=0.024)及髌股关节应力冲量(P=0.004),而膝屈曲角度峰值、伸膝力矩峰值、髌股关节接触力峰值、平均髌股关节接触面积均未见显著性差异(P >0.05)。

  • 表2 健康组与 PFP组上楼梯时髌股关节力学特征

  • 2.2 健康组与 PFP组下楼梯时髌股关节力学特征比较

  • 由表3 可知,与健康组相比,PFP 组在下楼梯时表现出较大的屈膝角度峰值(P=0.022)及较小的髌股关节应力冲量(P=0.019),而伸膝力矩峰值、髌股关节接触力峰值、髌股关节接触力冲量、平均髌股关节接触面积、髌股关节应力峰值均未见显著性差异(P>0.05)。

  • 表3 健康组与 PFP组下楼梯时髌股关节力学特征

  • 2.3 健康组与 PFP组楼梯行走时髌股关节应力曲线比较

  • 由图1可知,健康组与 PFP 组在楼梯行走时的髌股关节应力曲线基本一致,只是峰值存在一定的差异性。在上楼梯时,两组的髌股关节应力先增大,在单支撑相初期达到第一峰值,然后下降至支撑相的65%左右开始增加,到第2双支撑相初期到达第二峰值,最后逐渐减小; 在下楼梯时,两组髌股关节应力在第1双支撑相末期增大至第一峰值随后下降,至支撑相的50%左右开始增加,到第2双支撑相初期达到第二峰值后逐渐减小。

  • 图1 健康组与 PFP组在楼梯行走时支撑相内髌股关节应力随时间的变化曲线

  • 3 讨论

  • 3.1 髌股关节疼痛对老年人上楼梯时髌股关节力学特征的影响

  • PFP降低了老年人在上楼梯时的髌股关节力接触力冲量、髌股关节应力峰值及髌股关节应力冲量。老年人股四头肌力量衰退,可能导致在上楼梯时表现出较大的髌股关节应力变异性及膝关节特定的生物力学变化[18]。Duncan等人的研究显示,楼梯行走导致较高的髌股关节接触力峰值,是髌股关节疼痛的主要原因之一[19]。本研究显示,与健康组相比,PFP 组在上楼梯过程中的髌股关节接触力峰值略微增加,髌股关节应力峰值显著下降,这可能是髌股关节接触力峰值时刻对应的髌股关节接触面积略微下降造成的。这与研究假设不一致。研究假设是基于 PFP 与髌股关节的过度应激高度相关做出的[20],而在本研究中,PFP 组可能会调整上楼梯时的下肢生物力学特征以减轻 PFP。Crossley 等人和 Baker等人的研究与本研究结果一致,在上楼梯等高风险环境中,PFP 组通过降低股四头肌肌力及髌股关节应力主动降低髌股关节负荷[21-22],以减轻 PFP。本研究发现,PFP 组在上楼梯时表现出较大的膝关节屈曲角度,虽未见显著性差异,但相比于健康组增加了20.4%。Brach等人和 Fujikawa等人的研究发现,较大的膝关节屈曲角度通过拉长股四头肌以增加其机械优势,通过释放较小的股四头肌肌力即可保证上楼梯时下肢的支撑能力,同时结合较大的髌股关节接触面积分散髌股关节接触力,降低髌股关节损伤风险[23-24]。这两种适应性变化可能是因为 PFP 组上楼梯时控制其髌股关节应力,并在单支撑期主动降低髌股关节应力以减轻 PFP。有研究表明,关节软骨的退行性病变导致其易受压力变化的影响,髌股关节无法承受较大的应力[25]。因此,在上楼梯过程中,PFP 组显示出较小的髌股关节应力可能归因于 PFP 患者髌股关节的退行性病变,导致关节软骨无法正常吸收压力性变化,从而产生了神经肌肉的自我保护机制,通过主动降低髌股关节应力以减轻 PFP。研究显示,相比于膝关节峰值力矩,膝关节力矩冲量更能充分准确反映膝关节神经肌肉控制和负荷[26]。因此,冲量可能比力的峰值更灵敏、有效地反映组间关节负荷的差异性。本研究发现,与健康组相比,PFP组表现出较小的髌股关节接触力冲量和髌股关节应力冲量,这与假设不一致。本研究假设基于较高的髌股关节接触力峰值和髌股关节应力峰值导致较高的髌股关节接触力冲量和髌股关节接触应力冲量,本研究结果的出现,可能是因为 PFP组在上楼梯时主动采取较为谨慎的步态策略,通过主动降低髌股关节应力降低髌股关节负荷,以减轻 PFP。

  • 3.2 髌股关节疼痛对老年人下楼梯时髌股关节力学特征的影响

  • PFP降低了老年人在下楼梯时的髌股关节应力冲量。研究表明,PFP 组比健康组表现出更高的髌股关节接触应力[27]。因此在制定康复计划时,主要选择以增强下肢肌肉力量为主的运动方式,同时降低髌股关节应力及 PFP [27]。本研究显示,在下楼梯过程中,PFP 组的膝关节屈曲角度比健康组增加15.5%。膝关节屈曲角度和髌股关节接触面的减少都会增加髌股关节应力,进而导致关节软骨损伤[23-24]。因此,PFP 组的膝关节屈曲角度增加可能归因于 PFP 组在下楼梯时为了降低髌股关节应力而主动采取的自我保护策略。研究表明,老年人可能会通过增加膝关节屈曲角度保证在下楼梯时下肢的支撑能力,降低跌倒风险[25],这也进一步印证我们关于增加屈膝角度以降低髌股关节应力的猜想。下肢关节活动度是老年人保证楼梯行走跨过台阶而主动采取的一种生物力学适应策略[25]。本研究显示,在下楼梯时,健康组与 PFP 组的髌股关节接触力峰值和髌股关节应力峰值并未出现显著性差异,这与假设不一致。猜测有两方面的原因,一方面,楼梯行走等高风险环境可能掩盖了组间髌股关节力学特征的差异性。Brechter等人的研究表明,与健康组相比,PFP 组在上下坡或楼梯行走期间的矢状面膝关节运动并未表现出差异性。另一方面,可能是本研究选取的受试者 PFP程度较轻。Asay等人和 Kaufman等人的研究显示,楼梯行走时生物力学特征的组间差异性与患病程度高度相关,关节炎程度较重的患者在楼梯行走时表现出更大的躯干前倾角和更小的膝内收力矩以降低膝关节负荷,而程度较轻的患者在楼梯行走时并未表现出与健康组的差异性[28-29]。本研究显示,相较于健康组,PFP 组的髌股关节应力冲量降低了46.9%。这可能是因为 PFP组在下楼梯时主动采取谨慎的步态策略。较大的髌股关节应力冲量可能增加单支撑末期髌股关节应力,进而增加 PFP的风险[30]。另外,在下楼梯过程中,髌股关节接触力峰值、髌股关节应力峰值、髌股关节接触力冲量及髌股关节应力冲量均表现出略微的下降,这可能会降低髌股关节软骨承受的负荷,进而减轻下楼梯过程中的 PFP。值得注意的是,虽然下楼梯时的力及冲量指标均表现出略微的下降,但仅有髌股关节应力冲量出现显著性差异,这也进一步印证了我们对于上楼梯时 PFP 组表现出较小的髌股关节接触力冲量和髌股关节应力冲量的解释,髌股关节接触力及应力峰值虽能有效反映髌股关节负荷[9],但髌股关节接触力冲量及应力冲量可能是观察髌股关节负荷更灵敏有效的指标。

  • 4 结论、建议和局限性

  • PFP老年人在楼梯行走尤其是上楼梯过程中表现出较小的髌股关节力学特征,这可能是 PFP老年人主动采取的自我保护策略。通过增加屈膝角度保证下楼梯时下肢提供足够的支撑能力,降低髌股关节应力峰值及髌股关节应力冲量达到降低髌股关节负荷的目的。因此,PFP 老年人在进行康复训练时可注重下肢肌肉尤其是股四头肌肌力的锻炼,同时采用更灵敏的髌股关节接触力冲量及应力冲量评价楼梯行走时的髌股关节负荷。

  • 本研究的髌股关节力学特征是基于模型计算得到的,是一种无创确定关节负荷的方法。虽然 Enda等人和 Kernozek等人的研究证实了本研究所采用的方法能较为准确地反映髌股关节负荷[31-32],但本模型将膝关节角度及力矩作为自变量,并未考虑股四头肌对应的拮抗肌(如腘绳肌和腓肠肌等)的影响,因此本结果可能略小于真实的髌股关节力及应力。

  • 参考文献

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    • [2] LOHMAN M C,WHITEMAN K L,GREENBERG R L,et al.Incorporating persistent pain in phenotypic frailty measurement and prediction of adverse health outcomes[J].The Journals of Gerontology.Series A,Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,2017,72(2):216.

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    • [4] ROLAUFFS B,KURZ B,FELKA T,et al.Stress-vs-time signals allow the prediction of structurally catastrophic events during fracturing of immature cartilage and predetermine the biomechanical,biochemical,and structural impairment[J].Journal of Structural Biology,2013,183(3):501.

    • [5] POWERS C M,HEINO J G,RAO S,et al.The influence of patellofemoral pain on lower limb loading during gait[J].Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol,Avon),1999,14(10):722.

    • [6] NADEAU S,MCFADYEN B J,MALOUIN F.Frontal and sagittal plane analyses of the stair climbing task in healthy adults aged over 40 years:what are the challenges compared to level walking?[J].Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol,Avon),2003,18(10):950.

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    • [11] RENNER K,QUEEN R.Detection of age and gender differences in walking using mobile wearable sensors[J].Gait & Posture,2021,87:59.

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    • [13] ATKINS L T,SMITHSON C,GRIMES D,et al.The influence of sagittal trunk posture on the magnitude and rate of patellofemoral joint stress during stair ascent in asymptomatic females[J].Gait & Posture,2019,74:121.

    • [14] BINI R R,TAMBORINDEGUY A C,MOTA C B.Effects of saddle height,pedaling cadence,and workload on joint kinetics and kinematics during cycling[J].Journal of Sport Rehabilitation,2010,19(3):301.

    • [15] NOVAK A C,BROUWER B.Sagittal and frontal lower limb joint moments during stair ascent and descent in young and older adults[J].Gait & Posture,2011,33(1):54.

    • [16] van EIJDEN T M G J,KOUWENHOVEN E,VERBURG J,et al.A mathematical model of the patellofemoral joint[J].Journal of Biomechanics,1986,19(3):219.

    • [17] POWERS C M,LILLEY J C,LEE T Q.The effects of axial and multi-plane loading of the extensor mechanism on the patellofemoral joint[J].Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol,Avon),1998,13(8):616.

    • [18] MARTIN K L,BLIZZARD L,WOOD A G,et al.Cognitive function,gait,and gait variability in older people:a population-based study[J].The Journals of Gerontology.Series A,Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,2013,68(6):726.

    • [19] DUNCAN R,PEAT G,THOMAS E,et al.Does isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis matter?[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2009,17(9):1151.

    • [20] POWERS C M,WARD S R,CHEN Y J,et al.Effect of bracing on patellofemoral joint stress while ascending and descending stairs[J].Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine,2004,14(4):206.

    • [21] CROSSLEY K M,DORN T W,OZTURK H,et al.Altered hip muscle forces during gait in people with patellofemoral osteoarthritis[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2012,20(11):1243.

    • [22] BAKER K R,XU L,ZHANG Y Q,et al.Quadriceps weakness and its relationship to tibiofemoral and patellofemoral knee osteoarthritis in Chinese:the Beijing osteoarthritis study[J].Arthritis and Rheumatism,2004,50(6):1815.

    • [23] BRACH J S,BERTHOLD R,CRAIK R,et al.Gait variability in community-dwelling older adults[J].Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,2001,49(12):1646.

    • [24] FUJIKAWA K,SEEDHOM B B,WRIGHT V.Biomechanics of the patello-femoral joint.Part I:a study of the contact and the congruity of the patello-femoral compartment and movement of the patella[J].Engineering in Medicine,1983,12(1):3.

    • [25] GOODFELLOW J,HUNGERFORD D S,ZINDEL M.Patello-femoral joint mechanics and pathology.1.Functional anatomy of the patello-femoral joint[J].Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British Volume,1976,58(3):287.

    • [26] CREABY M W,WANG Y,BENNELL K L,et al.Dynamic knee loading is related to cartilage defects andtibial plateau bone area in medial knee osteoarthritis[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2010,18(11):1380.

    • [27] DREW B T,REDMOND A C,SMITH T O,et al.Which patellofemoral joint imaging features are associated with patellofemoral pain?Systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2016,24(2):224.

    • [28] ASAY J L,MÜNDERMANN A,ANDRIACCHI T P.Adaptive patterns of movement during stair climbing in patients with knee osteoarthritis[J].Journal of Orthopaedic Research,2009,27(3):325.

    • [29] KAUFMAN K R,HUGHES C,MORREY B F,et al.Gait characteristics of patients with knee osteoarthritis[J].Journal of Biomechanics,2001,34(7):907.

    • [30] BRECHTER J H,POWERS C M.Patellofemoral joint stress during stair ascent and descent in persons with and without patellofemoral pain[J].Gait & Posture,2002,16(2):115.

    • [31] WHYTE E F,MORAN K,SHORTT C P,et al.The influence of reduced hamstring length onpatellofemoral joint stress during squatting in healthy male adults[J].Gait & Posture,2010,31(1):47.

    • [32] KERNOZEK T W,VANNATTA C N,van den BOGERT A J.Comparison of two methods of determining patellofemoral joint stress during dynamic activities[J].Gait & Posture,2015,42(2):218.

  • 参考文献

    • [1] BRIGGS A M,CROSS M J,HOY D G,et al.Musculoskeletal health conditions represent a globalthreat to healthy aging:a report for the 2015 World Health Organization world report on ageing and health[J].The Gerontologist,2016,56(Suppl 2):S243.

    • [2] LOHMAN M C,WHITEMAN K L,GREENBERG R L,et al.Incorporating persistent pain in phenotypic frailty measurement and prediction of adverse health outcomes[J].The Journals of Gerontology.Series A,Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,2017,72(2):216.

    • [3] GLAVIANO N R,KEW M,HART J M,et al.Demographic and epidemiological trends inpatellofemoral pain[J].International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy,2015,10(3):281.

    • [4] ROLAUFFS B,KURZ B,FELKA T,et al.Stress-vs-time signals allow the prediction of structurally catastrophic events during fracturing of immature cartilage and predetermine the biomechanical,biochemical,and structural impairment[J].Journal of Structural Biology,2013,183(3):501.

    • [5] POWERS C M,HEINO J G,RAO S,et al.The influence of patellofemoral pain on lower limb loading during gait[J].Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol,Avon),1999,14(10):722.

    • [6] NADEAU S,MCFADYEN B J,MALOUIN F.Frontal and sagittal plane analyses of the stair climbing task in healthy adults aged over 40 years:what are the challenges compared to level walking?[J].Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol,Avon),2003,18(10):950.

    • [7] BRECHTER J H,POWERS C M.Patellofemoral stress during walking in persons with and without patellofemoral pain[J].Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,2002,34(10):1582.

    • [8] DYE S F.The pathophysiology of patellofemoral pain:a tissue homeostasis perspective[J].Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,2005,436:100.

    • [9] FOK L A,SCHACHE A G,CROSSLEY K M,et al.Patellofemoral joint loading during stair ambulation in people with patellofemoral osteoarthritis[J].Arthritis and Rheumatism,2013,65(8):2059.

    • [10] MACIASZEK J,OSINSKI W.Effect of Tai Chi on body balance:randomized controlled trial in elderly men withdizziness[J].American Journal of Chinese Medicine,2012,40(2):245.

    • [11] RENNER K,QUEEN R.Detection of age and gender differences in walking using mobile wearable sensors[J].Gait & Posture,2021,87:59.

    • [12] TOMINAGA S,SAKURABA K,USUI F.The effects of changes in the sagittal plane alignment of running-specific transtibial prostheses on ground reaction forces[J].Journal of Physical Therapy Science,2015,27(5):1347.

    • [13] ATKINS L T,SMITHSON C,GRIMES D,et al.The influence of sagittal trunk posture on the magnitude and rate of patellofemoral joint stress during stair ascent in asymptomatic females[J].Gait & Posture,2019,74:121.

    • [14] BINI R R,TAMBORINDEGUY A C,MOTA C B.Effects of saddle height,pedaling cadence,and workload on joint kinetics and kinematics during cycling[J].Journal of Sport Rehabilitation,2010,19(3):301.

    • [15] NOVAK A C,BROUWER B.Sagittal and frontal lower limb joint moments during stair ascent and descent in young and older adults[J].Gait & Posture,2011,33(1):54.

    • [16] van EIJDEN T M G J,KOUWENHOVEN E,VERBURG J,et al.A mathematical model of the patellofemoral joint[J].Journal of Biomechanics,1986,19(3):219.

    • [17] POWERS C M,LILLEY J C,LEE T Q.The effects of axial and multi-plane loading of the extensor mechanism on the patellofemoral joint[J].Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol,Avon),1998,13(8):616.

    • [18] MARTIN K L,BLIZZARD L,WOOD A G,et al.Cognitive function,gait,and gait variability in older people:a population-based study[J].The Journals of Gerontology.Series A,Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,2013,68(6):726.

    • [19] DUNCAN R,PEAT G,THOMAS E,et al.Does isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis matter?[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2009,17(9):1151.

    • [20] POWERS C M,WARD S R,CHEN Y J,et al.Effect of bracing on patellofemoral joint stress while ascending and descending stairs[J].Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine,2004,14(4):206.

    • [21] CROSSLEY K M,DORN T W,OZTURK H,et al.Altered hip muscle forces during gait in people with patellofemoral osteoarthritis[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2012,20(11):1243.

    • [22] BAKER K R,XU L,ZHANG Y Q,et al.Quadriceps weakness and its relationship to tibiofemoral and patellofemoral knee osteoarthritis in Chinese:the Beijing osteoarthritis study[J].Arthritis and Rheumatism,2004,50(6):1815.

    • [23] BRACH J S,BERTHOLD R,CRAIK R,et al.Gait variability in community-dwelling older adults[J].Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,2001,49(12):1646.

    • [24] FUJIKAWA K,SEEDHOM B B,WRIGHT V.Biomechanics of the patello-femoral joint.Part I:a study of the contact and the congruity of the patello-femoral compartment and movement of the patella[J].Engineering in Medicine,1983,12(1):3.

    • [25] GOODFELLOW J,HUNGERFORD D S,ZINDEL M.Patello-femoral joint mechanics and pathology.1.Functional anatomy of the patello-femoral joint[J].Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British Volume,1976,58(3):287.

    • [26] CREABY M W,WANG Y,BENNELL K L,et al.Dynamic knee loading is related to cartilage defects andtibial plateau bone area in medial knee osteoarthritis[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2010,18(11):1380.

    • [27] DREW B T,REDMOND A C,SMITH T O,et al.Which patellofemoral joint imaging features are associated with patellofemoral pain?Systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2016,24(2):224.

    • [28] ASAY J L,MÜNDERMANN A,ANDRIACCHI T P.Adaptive patterns of movement during stair climbing in patients with knee osteoarthritis[J].Journal of Orthopaedic Research,2009,27(3):325.

    • [29] KAUFMAN K R,HUGHES C,MORREY B F,et al.Gait characteristics of patients with knee osteoarthritis[J].Journal of Biomechanics,2001,34(7):907.

    • [30] BRECHTER J H,POWERS C M.Patellofemoral joint stress during stair ascent and descent in persons with and without patellofemoral pain[J].Gait & Posture,2002,16(2):115.

    • [31] WHYTE E F,MORAN K,SHORTT C P,et al.The influence of reduced hamstring length onpatellofemoral joint stress during squatting in healthy male adults[J].Gait & Posture,2010,31(1):47.

    • [32] KERNOZEK T W,VANNATTA C N,van den BOGERT A J.Comparison of two methods of determining patellofemoral joint stress during dynamic activities[J].Gait & Posture,2015,42(2):218.

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