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关键词:  中年人  健商  体育锻炼  锻炼频率  锻炼时间  锻炼态度  锻炼意愿
Research on the Relationship between Health Quotient and Physical Exercise Behavior of the Middle aged People
JI Yanxia
(Hebei Institute of Physical Education)
This paper uses survey and statistical methods to investigate the behavior of physical exercises of the middleaged people, and then evaluate their health quotient(hereinafter referred to as “HQ”) levels, analyzes the correlation between their behaviors of physical exercises and their HQ, explores the restricting factors between them. The findings of this study includes: more than half of middleaged people do not have a fixed exercise habits; less than one fifth of the middleaged people have regular participation in physical activities; the duration of participating in physical exercises lasts 30 to 60 minutes; their HQ is significantly correlated with the frequency and duration of physical activities. The total average of HQ is in perfect condition as long as the middleaged people, either alone or together with partner activities, participate in physical exercises. The greater their attitudes towards physical exercises are, the higher their HQ average is. There is a significant correlation between HQ and their attitudes towards physical exercises, but when the attitude is the most intense, the HQ index is not the highest. The HQ of middleaged people with different willingness of physical exercises shows a decreasing tendency with their increasing willingness. HQ is significantly correlated with their willingness of physical exercises
Key words:  middle aged people  Health Quotient  physical exercise  frequency of physical exercise  duration of physical exercise  attitude towards physical exercise  willingness of physical exercise

