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(吉首大学 体育科学学院)
关键词:  河北省民运会  全国民运会  竞赛项目  关联度  博弈
Game Theory based Interpretation of Event Settings in Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in Hebei and Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in China
SUN Dongxue
(School of Physical Education, Jishou University,)
In order to improve the competitiveness of Hebei province in Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in China, and promote effective protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage of Hebei sports, this paper adopts literature review, statistical analysis and interview to conduct correlation analysis of event settings in the Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in Hebei and the Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in China. It proposes that the correlation shows an increasing trend, this will do good to Hebei to get good performance results, meanwhile this will also do harm to Hebei to develop the sports events with provincial characteristics. After a game theorybased interpretation to the high correlation phenomenon, this paper suggests that the self positioning of Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting should be adjusted, the sports events with provincial characteristics should be promoted to the national level, the regional uniqueness should be strengthened, the scoring rules of demonstration events should be adjusted, college students competition group should be added, restrictions on athletes' ethnic identity should be appropriately loosened, in order to achieve winwin of the improvement of competitive level and promotion of sports intangible cultural heritage protection
Key words:  Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in Hebei  Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meeting in China  sports events  correlation  game

