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基于ActiGraph GT3X监测网球运动能量消耗的研究
(四川师范大学 体育学院)
目的:应用ActiGraph GT3X对网球运动等非周期性运动能量消耗进行测评,建立适合网球运动能耗预测的回归方程,从而丰富ActiGraph测量体系。方法:以K4b2测量值作为校标,分别在拍柄、持拍手手腕外侧、腰部髂肌外侧、大腿中央前侧和脚踝外侧(持拍手同一侧肢体)各佩戴一个加速度计(ActiGraph GT3X),同步对网球运动中不同球速下(30 km/h、60 km/h)的原地正、反手击球,侧向移动正、反手击球,向前移动正、反手击球,侧向移动正反手交替击球和模拟自由单打的运动过程进行监测。结果:腰部、大腿和踝关节部位GT3X的 EE和MET预测值存在明显低估,与K4b2测量值一致性较低;手腕和拍柄部位GT3X的EE和MET预测值存在明显高估,与K4b2测量值一致性较低;研究建立了2个网球运动能耗预测回归方程,经检验其预测值与实测值没有显著性差异。结论:运用ActiGraph GT3X对网球等隔网对抗运动项目进行监测存在显著误差,EE和MET的预测存在明显高估或低估的现象;基于ActiGraph GT3X所建立的能耗预测方程能对网球运动进行有效的运动监测
关键词:  ActiGraph GT3X  网球  能量消耗  K4b2  回归方程
Research on Monitoring Energy Consumption of Tennis Based on ActiGraph GT3X
YUAN Chuan
(School of Physical Education, Sichuan Normal University)
Objective: To evaluate the energy consumption of tennis in nonperiodic motion by ActiGraph GT3X, and to establish a regression equation suitable for predicting the energy consumption of tennis, which enriches the ActiGraph measurement system. Methods: Take K4b2 measured value as a calibration, wear an accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X)respectively on the racket handle, outside edge of the racketholding wrist, iliac muscle lateral of waist, central front of thigh and ankle lateral (the same side of the racketholding limbs) . In synchronization, measurement of the forehand stroke and backhand stroke without movement, the forehand stroke and backhand stroke with side movement, the forehand stroke and backhand stroke with forward movements, the stroke alternate from forehand to backhand with side movement, and simulation play of free singles are all made. Each activity respectively is at low velocity (30 km/h) and high velocity (60 km/h) separately. Results: The predicted value of EE and MET from GT3X of waist, GT3X of thighs and GT3X of ankles have been obviously underestimated, and have low consistency with K4b2; The predicted value of EE and MET from GT3X of wrist and racket handle have respectively overestimated, and have low consistency with K4b2. The two regression equations for predicting the energy consumption of tennis established in this study show that there is no significant difference between the predicted value and the measured value. Conclusion: ActiGraph GT3X has a significant error in the monitoring of energy consumption for the netseparation antagonistic sports like tennis, and the prediction of EE and MET is obviously overestimated or underestimated. The established prediction equation for energy consumption based on ActiGraph GT3X can conduct effective sport monitoring for tennis
Key words:  ActiGraph GT3X  tennis  energy consumption  K4b2  regression equation

