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(中国政法大学 人文学院,北京100088)
关键词:  体育法治  文化困境  体育精神  公民参与  评价
Cultural Predicament of Sports Rule by Law and Its Way Out
CHEN Zipan
(School of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China)
The current cultural predicament of sports rule by law restricts the level of sports rule by law. Specifically, its cultural predicament is mainly reflected in the need to enhance the recognition of sports rule by law, inadequate manifestation of sports spirit, the crisis of effectiveness of sports rule by law, and the need to construct humanism in sports rule by law. The main reasons lie in the defects in the system of sports rule by law, the inadequacy of sports judicature and law enforcement, the negative impact of traditional culture, and the lack of effective agreement between the spirit of rule by law and sports spirit. It is necessary to improve the sports legal norm system, strengthen the sports judicial and law enforcement efforts, purify and develop sports culture, expand the effective participation of citizens, establish an effective evaluation system, cultivate sports legal culture that fully reflects the sense of rules, the concept of rule by law and human values, and promote the development of sports legal system in China.
Key words:  sports rule by law  cultural predicament  sports spirit  citizen participation  evaluation

