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教育公平视野下高校体质弱势群体 体育教育的困境与优化路径
(皖南医学院 体育教研室,安徽 芜湖241002)
关键词:  教育公平  高校  体质弱势群体  体育教育  困境
The Predicament and Optimizing Path of Physical Education of the Physically Disadvantaged Groups in Universities from the Perspective of Education Equity
ZHU Ergang
(Teaching and Research Center of Physical Education, Wannan Medical College, Wuhu 241002, China)
By methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper probes into the predicament of physical education faced by the disadvantaged groups in universities from the perspective of educational equity. It is found that the predicament is mainly manifested in the unfairness of the physical education curriculum, the lack of cohesion and pertinence of the physical education teaching content, the lack of specialized physical education talents, the imbalance of the distribution of physical education resources and the singleness of the evaluation form of physical education. The whole situation is in a chaotic and disordered state, and still remains in the primary care stage of “peopleoriented” state. It failed to realize the fairness of education starting point, educational process and educational result. On this basis, it is proposed that we should improve policies and regulations, implement the concept of inclusive education, set up a variety of physical education teaching contents, innovate the training mode of teachers, optimize the input of sports resources, build a physical education evaluation system suitable for physically disadvantaged groups, endow the physically disadvantaged groups with discourse power, and provide support for the physically disadvantaged groups in universities to receive physical education fairly.
Key words:  education equity  universities  physically disadvantaged groups  physical education  predicament

