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相同强度的臀推和前蹲练习对 下肢速度和爆发力的即刻影响
(北京体育大学 体能训练学院,北京100084)
目的:探讨相同负荷强度的臀推和前蹲练习对20 m冲刺速度、纵跳摸高、立定跳远的影响。方法:对招募的25名北京体育大学田径专项男性大学生进行负重半蹲1RM测试,符合1RM/体重>2标准的作为最终的受试者。以臀推和前蹲的1RM测试成绩的90%为练习负荷强度,分别测定90%1RM臀推和前蹲练习前后20 m冲刺、纵跳摸高、立定跳远成绩。结果:①90%1RM臀推练习后20 m冲刺成绩,以及0—10 m、0—20 m的分段速度显著高于练习前(P<005);②90%1RM前蹲练习后纵跳摸高成绩显著高于90%1RM臀推练习后的成绩(P<005);③90%1RM臀推练习与90%1RM前蹲练习对立定跳远成绩的影响没有显著性差异(P>005)。结论:90%1RM臀推练习能够显著提高速度、爆发力成绩;90%1RM前蹲练习对纵跳摸高的影响更为显著;两种练习对立定跳远的影响无明显差异。
关键词:  臀推  前蹲  后激活增强效应  下肢速度  爆发力  冲刺跑  纵跳摸高  立定跳远
Immediate Effects of Hip Push and Squat Exercises of the Same Intensity on Speed and Explosive Force of Lower Limbs
ZHANG Junjie
(Institute of Physical Training, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China)
Objective: To explore the effects of hip push and squat exercise with the same load intensity on 20meter sprint speed, vertical jump touch height and standing long jump. Methods: a total of 25 male college students specialized in track and field in Beijing Sport University were recruited. They were loaded and tested with semisquatted 1RM. Those in line with 1RM>weight > 2 standard were chosen as the final subjects. Taking 90% of the results of 1RM test of hip push and squat as exercise load intensity, the results of 20—m sprint, vertical jump touch and standing long jump before and after were measured respectively. Result: ①The sprint performance of 20—m after 90% 1RM hip push and the speed of 0—10 m and 0—20 m segments were significantly higher than those before exercise (P<005); ② the result of vertical jump after 90% 1RM squat exercise was significantly higher than that after 90% 1RM hip push exercise (P<005); ③ the effect of 90% 1RM hip push exercise and 90% 1RM squat exercise on the result of standing long jump was not significant (P>005). Conclusion: 90% 1RM hip push exercise can significantly improve speed and explosive performance; 90% 1RM squat exercise has more significant effect on vertical jump touch height; there is no significant difference between the two exercises on standing long jump.
Key words:  hip push  squat  post activation enhancement effect  lower limb speed  explosive force  sprint  vertical jump touch height  standing long jump

