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冬奥比赛场地密苑云顶滑雪场 安全状况调查与对策研究
关键词:  雪场安全事故  硬件设施  安全服务人员  安全体系
A Study on the Safety Situation and Countermeasures of Secret Garden Genting Ski Resort for Winter Olympic Games
DUAN Shaolou
(Hebei Sport University, Shijiazhuang 050041, China)
By methods of literature, investigation and logical analysis, this paper studies the safety situation of Secret Garden Genting Ski Resort for 2022 Winter Olympic Games. It is found that the main causes of accidents are the lack of safety awareness of skiers, the imperfection of safety facilities, the imperfection of safety early warning mechanism and the inadequacy of safety supervision measures. An analysis of the existing safety problems of Genting ski resort is made from two aspects of infrastructure and safety personnel. It is concluded that in terms of infrastructure, it is necessary to study and formulate the principles, methods and contents of the construction of targeted safety system, build a guarantee system for safety, build a system of modern information interconnection, and scientifically divide the slope area; in terms of safety personnel, it is necessary to further refine the content of safety work, introduce and train highquality safety talents, strengthen supervision and management, improve search and rescue capacity and implement dynamic monitoring.
Key words:  ski resort accident  hardware facilities  safety service personnel  safety system

