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体育产业发展与区域产业结构升级的动态关系研究 ——基于VAR模型和脉冲响应的实证检验
(福建江夏学院 体育产业发展研究中心,福州350108)
关键词:  体育产业  区域产业结构  动态关系  VAR模型  脉冲响应
Research on the Dynamic Relationship between the Development of Sports Industry and the Upgrading of Regional Industrial Structure——Empirical Test Based on VAR Model and Impulse Response
XU Jinfu
(Sports Industry Development Research Center, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
The interaction between the development of sports industry and the upgrading of regional industrial structure is empirically tested by using the valueadded of sports industry and the hierarchical coefficient of industrial structure from 2008 to 2017, through Co_Integration Analysis, error correction model, Granger Causality Test, impulse response function and variance decomposition method.The result shows that there is a longterm equilibrium relationship between the development of sports industry and the upgrading of regional industrial structure and the two have a positive role in promoting each other.In the short term, the growth of the two is not only affected by their own development in the previous period, but also has a positive role in promoting each other. It also shows that there is a oneway causal relationship between the two, that is, the development of sports industry is Granger of the upgrading of regional industrial structure causes. When the sports industry is impacted, it shows “strong shortterm effect and weak longterm effect”, and when the regional industrial structure is impacted, it shows “weak shortterm effect and strong longterm effect”.The development of both is mainly driven by their own internal driving force and the influence of sports industry development on the upgrading of regional industrial structure has “lag effect”.
Key words:  sports industry  regional industrial structure  dynamic relationship  VAR model  impulse response

