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(上海体育学院 武术学院,上海200438)
关键词:  传统体育养生运动  处方库  内容设计  处方设计  操作流程
Research on the Design of Traditional Sports Health Prescription Library
SONG Yapei
(School of Wushu,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438, China)
The paper designs the prescription library of traditional sports health preservation aiming at the development predicament of traditional sports health preservation and the health needs of the people by using the methods of literature and logical analysis. This prescription library has the basic functions of preservation and classification, retrieval and matching, formulation of personalized prescription, dissemination and communication, etc. In the aspect of content design, three primary and several secondary sub nodes are set up, including basic characteristics, functional characteristics and crowd characteristics. In terms of prescription design, aiming at different functional items such as health care, disease treatment and strength, a sports prescription covering exercise time, exercise intensity, exercise volume and other indicators was formulated, and the function of cautions and reminders was added. In the operation process, four basic links including detection procedure, selection procedure, establishment procedure, data statistics and auxiliary functions of health promotion service are designed. The integrated operation mechanism of the prescription library is realized by the above design, which provides ideas for the ancient Chinese medical wisdom to serve the people quickly, conveniently and scientifically.
Key words:  traditional sports regimen  prescription library  content design  prescription design  operation process

