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(四川大学 体育学院,成都 610065)
关键词:  全民健身  安全保障  量子区块链  信息  系统
Research on Strengthening the Security of National Fitness Information Based on Quantum Blockchain
HAN Song,YANG Silei,CHEN Zongke
(Physical Education College,Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 , China)
By using the methods of literature research and logical analysis, this paper discusses the desirability of introducing quantum blockchain technology to improve the information security guarantee ability of national fitness. It is believed that the key to strengthen the information security of national fitness is to ensure the security of mass sports information data in circulation supervision and value-added services. In view of the current problems such as low informationization of public sports facilities services, lagging emergency response to mass events and outdoor sports, and insufficient protection of relevant sports data and personal privacy, the comparative advantages of quantum blockchain in improving transmission efficiency, improving privacy security, preventing security vulnerabilities, and ensuring security assessment can be used to explore and build a national fitness security prevention and control information system. The core module of the system consists of prevention and control information collection layer, network data management layer and system application layer. The main functions include national fitness information management, event safety supervision, venue facilities traceability query, system user rights management, and national fitness data analysis. It is suggested to improve the institutional mechanism, promote the equal flow of public sports facilities service information, integrate basic resources to improve the early warning response ability of group event information, and fill up the weaknesses and reduce the risk of personal sports health information leakage.
Key words:  national fitness  security assurance  quantum blockchain  information  system

