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(运城学院,山西 运城 044000)
关键词:  武术门户  师父  师承  文化传续动力  代际传递  传承责任
Menhu, Master, and Inheritance: A Study on the Inheritance Motivation of Chinese Martial Arts
LIU Qichao,ZHAO Jing
(Yuncheng University,Yuncheng 044000 , China)
The transmission and continuation of Chinese martial arts masters and apprentices continue to guarantee the inheritance of the technical chain, and the community composed of masters and apprentices has become the main body of martial arts cultural inheritance. By using the methods of literature and field investigation, this paper investigates the internal governance structure and operation mechanism of martial arts groups from the perspective of organizational behavior, and shows the significance of the spatial and temporal pedigree of martial arts masters and apprentices to cultural inheritance. It is believed the following items.①Martial arts master-apprentice groups form a cultural inheritance community, and master-apprentices have the social significance of intergenerational succession in the organization.②Master plays the role of manager in the Menhu organization, actively planning the succession of the organization and cultivating successors. The guardian, organizer and guide constitute the organizational role of Master’s “trinity.” In the selection of talents, the potential inheritors are strictly screened, the group inheritance is connected in the organizational relationship, and the responsibility and mission are given in the intergenerational transmission. Master actively plans at both ends of the organization’s “transmission” and “inheritance” to ensure the smooth continuation of the skills of Menhu members.③The power of Chinese martial arts inheritance lies in the organizational responsibility and mission given by the Menhu.④Inheritance is the link between mentoring and apprenticeship, which provides the historical context and organizational guarantee for the intergenerational transmission of culture.
Key words:  martial arts Menhu  master  inheritance  power of cultural transmission  intergenerational transmission  responsibility of inheritance

