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(清华大学 体育学博士后流动站)
关键词:  中国体育学期刊  国际影响力  期刊学术水平  国际学术会议论文
基金项目:Chinese sports journals; international influence; academic level of journals; International Conference Papers
Reasons of the Contradiction between International Impact and Academic Levels of Chinese Sports Journals
LI Rui
(Postdoctoral Research Center of Sports Science and Physical Education)
According to the index of 2012 and 2013 “The Highest International Impact Academic Journals” (Humanities and Social Sciences) and “The Excellent International Impact Academic Journals” (Humanities and Social Sciences), this paper points out that there is a contradiction between the international impact and academic levels of Chinese sports journals. Chinese sports academic journals show intense international impact. By interviewing sports experts, analyzing detail data from a sports journal which is one of 2012“The Highest International Impact Academic Journals” and another sports journal which is one of 2013“The Excellent International Impact Academic Journals”, this paper explores the reasons of this contradiction. It points out that the basic reasons is neither the foreign concern of China sports journals which is caused by glorious Chinese competitive sports, nor the level of Chinese sports journals goes beyond the level of China's sports science disciplines, but Chinese sports experts participated in international conferences held in China, submitted English conference papers cited from Chinese sports journals, and these papers were taken as statistical sources of China Academic Journals International Journals Citation Report (CAJIJCR), resulting in the false booming representation of Chinese sports journals around the globe
Key words:  Chinese sports journals  international influence  academic level of journals  International Conference Papers

